Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Answer Answering Online IELTS Essay Topics With Answers PDF

Answer Answering Online IELTS Essay Topics With Answers PDFIn order to answer the IELTS exam with ease, it is important that you understand the principle behind the IELTS Essay topics with Answers PDF. There are many techniques that you can use and some are presented in this article.This one is more about the logical reasoning. It will help you understand the things you have learned before. It will also give you insight on how to solve a problem. Also, you will be able to solve a problem that is almost impossible to solve by yourself.How can you start your essays with IELTS? If you look at the answers given by you and your friends, then it is easy to see that there are many errors. There is no way for you to see these errors and fix them on your own. The fact is that, when you start a new course, it is very likely that you will make some mistakes so even if you are starting from scratch, you will still have to deal with it.If you are an English essays student, this will be very usefu l for you. You will know how to read questions written in English. The problem with most essays is that they are written in their own language. If you have studied other subjects, you may be able to understand the questions asked but if you study English, you will know how to answer them easily.If you are going to teach English essays, this will be very useful for you. By writing your essays in the language used by the student, you will be able to understand what he or she is saying. If you are an English teacher, you should know that English teachers usually use this technique because they do not understand what their students are trying to say.You may also find this interesting because it will help you understand how to write and read English correctly. If you take a course from a specialist, then you will get to know the basics of this type of study.When you study English essays, you need to understand that the topics are very important. If you are able to understand these topics , then you will be able to answer your exam with ease. If you are having problems understanding the topics, then you should know that there are different ways to help you with it.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Strategies for Writing a 20-Page Paper

Research papers and essays can be intimidating enough as an assignment. If youre facing a 20-page writing assignment, just relax and break the process down into manageable chunks. Start by creating a timetable for your project. Note when it is due as well as the number of weeks you have between now and the due date. To create a timetable, grab or create a calendar with plenty of space to write on. Then, jot down deadlines for each stage of the writing process. Initial Research and Topic Selection Before you can choose a topic, do some basic research to learn more about the general subject area youre studying. For example, if youre studying the works of William Shakespeare, decide which play, character, or aspect of Shakespeares work is most interesting to you. After youve finished your initial research, select a few possible topics. Talk with your teacher before making a final decision. Ensure that the topic is interesting and rich enough for a 20-page essay, but not too big to cover. For example Symbolism in Shakespeare is an overwhelming topic while Shakespeares Favorite Pens wouldnt fill more than a page or two. Magic in Shakespeares Play, A Midsummer Nights Dream might be just right. Now that you have a topic, take a few weeks to conduct research until you have five to 10 subtopics or points to talk about. Jot notes onto note cards. Separate your note cards into piles that represent topics youll cover. Organize Topics and Create a Draft Order your topics into a logical sequence, but dont get too caught up in this. Youll be able to rearrange the sections of your paper later. Take your first set of cards and write all you can about that specific topic. Try to use up three pages of writing. Move on to the next topic. Again, try to use three pages to elaborate on that topic. Dont worry about making this section flow from the first one. You are just writing about individual topics at this time. Create Transitions; Write an Introduction and Conclusion Once you have written a few pages for each topic, think again about the order. Identify the first topic (one that will come after your introduction) and the one that will follow. Write a transition to link one to the next. Continue with order and transitions. The next step is to write your introduction paragraph or paragraphs and your conclusion. If your paper is still short, just find a new subtopic to write about and place it between paragraphs that exist. You now have a rough draft. Edit and Polish Once youve crafted a full draft, set it aside for a day or two before reviewing, editing, and polishing it. If youre required to include sources, double-check that youve correctly formatted footnotes, endnotes, and/or a bibliography.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Negative Effects Of Standardized Testing - 1925 Words

Standardized Testing Bob Schaeffer, a public education director once said, You don’t make a sheep fatter by weighing them more often. (Nagourney, 2) This represents the process of Standardized Testing and one of the risks it causes; testing too often. Standardized Testing is a process where all students take the same kind of test with similar questions all addressing the same subjects and are scored in a consistent way as groups or as individuals. Standardized testing has brought nothing but negative effects to schools since it was created. Standardized testing in schools has been around since the 1920 s starting with the SAT. There are many risks in Standardized Testing, that is why Standardized testing should be revised due to†¦show more content†¦Due to Standardized testing, schools face a variety of consequences. Just like teachers are evaluated, schools are also evaluated similar to that. If a school as a whole test poorly there is a risk that they could lose students. Since there is a risk of consequences at schools, there is a pressure to save themselves at the expense of their students. Schools feel pressured by the public to perform well, often what they do is try and transfer the struggling students to other schools to try and take them out of the equation. There are programs that are put into place to help schools keep up with the standard testing curriculum, like The No Child Left Behind Act. The No Child Left Behind Act tests that judge the schools performance has the power to close schools, fire staff or turn the school, private if the school continues to struggle with overall testing scores. Schools try to save their schools so that they are not forced into something that they do not want to do, for example shutting down their school. Standardized testing isn t cheap. Forty-four states and the District of Columbia currently spend over $1.7 billion dollars for these tests. (Tager 1) Schools pay extensive amounts of money for these tests, and 58% of pu blic schools are Title 1 schools. Since over half of the public schools in America are Title 1, most students are not able to transfer from low performing schools, leaving them in a school that is at risk. Title 1 schools are schools where aShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Standardized Testing745 Words   |  3 PagesThe Negative Aspects of Standardized Testing Standardized testing is a topic that has been discussed for multiple years, among students, teachers, and many government officials. Standardized testing has been around for more than 150 years. Proposed by Horace Mann, standardized testing was a more appropriate way of testing a student’s ability than the oral exams (Gershon). Standardized testing is â€Å"any form of test that requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selectionRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Standardized Testing871 Words   |  4 PagesThe Negative Effects of Standardized Testing The purpose of the No Child Left Behind Act is designed to close the achievement gap between high/low performing children and improve/strengthen accountability amongst schools (Department of Education). As a result, the Department of Education has implemented a sanctions and rewards system, stipulated in the No Child Left behind Act. If schools do not perform according to the act, funding will be withdrawn, teachers and administrators could get laid offRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Standardized Testing1193 Words   |  5 Pagesnow, standardized testing has been at the forefront of all education and is part of the reason students dread going to school. Although standardized testing has become a significant part of our education, it does have a negative impact on the effectiveness of the instruction we are getting. This topic is essential to many because the use of these such tests are damaging our education system. The question most familiar to students and many others, is why we are subject to standardized testing? SomeRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Standardized Testing1120 Words   |  5 Pagesto the adverse effects of standardized testing.† Testing has evolved over time from basic reading, writing, and arithmetic to curriculum based on standardized testing such as the ACT, SAT, and TCAP. Many years ago, students did not have to take as many tests, and there were not as many opportunities for different types of classes. Schools have evolved as standardized test evolved, and this has forced teachers to evolve as well. As time progressed, the frequency of these standardized test increasedRead MoreNegative Effects Of Standardized Testing In Schools1859 Words   |  8 Pagesprocess of Standardized Testing and one of the risks it causes; testing too often. Standardized Testing is a process where all students take the same kind of test with similar questions all addressing the same subjects and scored in a consistent way as groups or as individuals. St andardized Testing has brought nothing but negative effects to schools since its commencement. Standardized testing in schools has been around since the 1920 s starting with the SAT. There are many risks in Standardized TestingRead MoreStandardized Testing Has a Negative Effect on American Youth Essay1133 Words   |  5 Pagesprogram or simply thrust onto the battlefield. High stakes were placed on this test 93 years ago; high stakes are placed on tests modeled after them today. The standardized achievement tests commonly used in schools today evolved from the Army Alphas developed by the American Psychological Association. This is precisely the problem. Standardized tests are old and outdated, and the harm they cause to America’s education system by far out-weighs the benefits. These tests were intended to monitor and offerRead MoreStandardized Tests : Standardized Testing963 Words   |  4 PagesOct 2015 Standardized Testing in Florida In recent years Florida’s standardized testing program has taken a turn for the worst. After doing away with the FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test) the debate has only grown due to flood of new tests being created such as the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) or End of Course Exam (EOC). These tests are administered to test students’ abilities at the end of the school year. In spring of 2015, with only two months of testing between the EOC’sRead More The Negative Impact of High Stakes Standardized Testing1191 Words   |  5 PagesStandardized testing is not a new concept; it has been in use since the mid to late 1990’s. However the â€Å"high stakes† focus on standardized testing is. The practices that accompany standardized testing have long been in debate. Those in favor of standardized testing will argue that the testing creates a system that increases grades and accountability among teachers, students and school districts across th e country. On the other hand those that oppose standardized testing will argue the ill effectsRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Standardized Testing794 Words   |  4 Pageswhy school testing should happen more frequently and why parents and teachers should be less fearful of standardized tests. For educators and parents, testing means standardized testing: a tool wielded by politicians and administrators to terrify children and teachers. When cognitive psychologists hear the word testing, they think immediately of the testing effect — one of the best learning strategies. In this quote, the authors make a separation between testing and standardized testing. They bringRead MoreHigh School Graduation Rate Is The United States861 Words   |  4 Pageshave contemplated why this dramatic change has occurred, and who, or what is to blame. Looking more in depth at standardized testing, and examining educator, parent, and student viewpoints in the areas of pressure, awareness, and kfgn dfng can give us negative and positive viewpoints, and a possible answer to this controversial question. Through the eyes of the educator, standardized testing comes with major pressure and fear. According to a study done by the National Education Association, who surveyed

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Do not go gentle into that good night and death be not proud free essay sample

â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night,† is an insightful poem written by Dylan Thomas. It is a Villanelle, a nineteen-line form of poetry. The message Dylan Thomas is trying to communicate through this poem is that the elderly should not be discouraged and feel hopeless due to their age. Thomas seems to think it is not honorable or befitting for a great or interesting man to die quietly in old age and he encourages the reader to think that death is something that should be fought rather than mutely accepted. The poem is a statement about living a strong life and refusing to go down quietly just as easily as it can be read as a poem about death and the process of dying or aging. All through the poem, the poet speaks about fighting the inevitable death and being strong till the last moment despite knowing that death cannot be avoided. We will write a custom essay sample on Do not go gentle into that good night and death be not proud or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page All of it seems to target any old man nearing death until the last Stanza in which he addresses his father and says : And you, my father, there on the sad height, Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray. And then he repeats what have said earlier in the poem : Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. And by that he urges his dying father to resist and fiercely fight death, which makes the poets tone more personal. While in the other poem, The Holy Sonnet 10 Death be not proud, by John Donne. Right off the bat, the poet starts bashing on death and treating it like a person. He tells Death not to be so proud, because hes really not that frightening, despite that many people think that so. The poet then speaks in contradictions by saying that people do not really meet Death, and neither will the poet. He then compares death to things that are not scary at all, rest and sleep. He then says that only the good die young, whilst the best know that death is not scary at all, but it brings pleasure instead. The poet then kicks it up a notch, as if all that bashing was not enough. The poet calls death a Delivery of the soul, while the bones have a rest. He then calls him a slave of Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men and accuses him of hanging out with the weak and lowlifes poison, war, and sickness. And that after all, the poet doesnt need death, for he can just take drugs, and it will have the same effect, falling asleep. So the poet compares death to falling asleep, a painless process of temporary rest, After which one will wake up from death and find himself in Eternity, and once that happens, it will seems as though Death has died